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Humanistic Person Centred Counselling

Rooted in humanistic psychology. Focuses on human potential, personal growth, & self-actualisation.

1 h
40 British pounds
The Tree Sanctuary, Paradise Street, Rugby

Service Description

Humanistic person-centred counselling is a therapeutic approach that emphasises the uniqueness and subjective experience of the individual. It is rooted in humanistic psychology, which focuses on human potential, personal growth, and self-actualisation. This approach was developed by Carl Rogers, a prominent psychologist in the mid-20th century. Key principles of humanistic person-centred counselling include: - Unconditional Positive Regard: I provide an accepting and non-judgmental environment, fostering a sense of safety for clients to explore their thoughts and feelings without fear of criticism. - Empathy: I strive to understand the client's perspective and experiences from their point of view. Empathy involves tuning into the client's emotions and conveying understanding. - Genuineness (Congruence): I am authentic and transparent, appropriately expressing my feelings and reactions. This helps build trust and facilitates an open and honest therapeutic relationship. Client-Centred Focus: The client takes an active role in the counselling process, determining the direction and content of the sessions. I serve as a facilitator, supporting the client's self-exploration and growth. Self-actualisation: The ultimate goal is to help clients realise their full potential and become the best version of themselves. This involves personal development, increased self-awareness, and the ability to make choices that align with one's values. Humanistic person-centred counselling is often used to address a variety of concerns, including personal growth, self-esteem issues, relationship difficulties, and existential questions. The emphasis is on the present moment and the client's subjective experience, as opposed to delving extensively into the past or focusing solely on symptom reduction.

Cancellation Policy

Important points to note about bookings: • To make a booking contact please contact me via the contact details below or on facebook messenger. I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as I can. • All payments must be made at the point of booking. • I operate a zero refund or transfer policy on any event. • Goods in the shop need to be paid for and collected. • Gift vouchers have a one year redemption date. • The basic kit list for classes unless otherwise stated are : Yoga mat, cushion and blanket (camp chair if floor work is not manageable), water bottle, notebook and pen. Thank you all for your support, your custom and the interaction on my page. Much love, Joanne

Contact Joanne:

  • 07982141334

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